Everybody can reach you in a mobile phone. Communication technologies are contributing to increase mobility and at the same time allowing stabylity. Internet allow you to work at home, everywhere any time. And you are always available in your mobile phone. To move or to stay still? I can work in Paris while being in Cali, there is no boundary border fence. I am thinking in attachment to homeland, a place, decide to settle. I am thinking in moving or staying still. Mobility and stability in the contemporary city. Always thinking in life and environment, how mobility and stability in the city affects waste production, pollution, carbon emissions, detrietment of human and no human life.


Kim, I am sorry, maybe the most stable thing is a mobile phone today. A nation is now a vague and unstable notion.

stable factors of civilization

We should inquire the notion of civilization and try to expose what we understand of a word that seems to involve all the things related to the human kind. Stable factors of civilization are conditions that make us prisoners and force us to remain still, confined to certain spaces (physical, ideological, psychological…). An example of this kind of prisons could be the concept of nation. We born in a certain country, a portion of space restricted by borders, that we cannot, freely, exceed. This is a factor of physical stability, a sedentary condition. Imagine a world without nations, without borders, the world as a single country, the country of the world. Still, ethnical, religious or linguistic differences between people become stable factors as well, primitive factors indeed, conditions that make us prisoners and force us to remain still, confined to certain spaces. Even further, climatic and topographic conditions are also borders, that we cannot, freely, exceed. There is a multiplicity of overlapping boundaries fences, sometimes coinciding but more often than not, composing a first complex function of stability.


if civilization is indeed a function of stability, then we will have to try to think for stable factors in the move; this first conversation frame is a stable condition while we keep moving from city to city in different continents, Kim. We don't know each other but we think it is still important to discuss because we know we have some things in common. What things facilitate our moving attitudes? What problems make us stay more than we wish in places? And how can we define our common ground in an architectonic sense?

i agree

to form a dialogue (discussion), each post should be related to the next one, and moving civilization is a good start.

we could form this as a dialogue

or as an invisible table set up for a discussion. what do you think, kim? we could question and try to answer whatever seems radical and problematic in the concept of a moving civilisation. civilization is normally conceived as a function of stability.